
Can a language change human behavior?

  Can a language change human behavior? by Rodrigo Samuel Blanco Mamani       It is easy to think that a person can change his way of thinking and his behavior through courses or self-improvement books, or after passing some traumatic or emotional experience, the human has the tendency to change his attitude, mind and behavior, to the same the circumstances and obstacles of life are added in order to work together to form and forge the human in different facets of his life, perhaps the most notorious of these is his behavior. However, in recent years a new study has emerged on changes in human behavior, observing the way in which a Spanish-speaking person writes and comparing it with an Anglo-speaker’s writing, both have different ways of writing, in the same way observing the way in which they express some idea, they use different expressions and different words despite referring to the same topic, let's also observe the way in which both speak exposing them in formal and informal